How can you keep your business healthy simply by ensuring your workforce remains healthy?


The increasing costs associated with higher rates of sick leave are leading many companies to introduce in-house medical care and wellness programs. How can companies provide and track preventative health programs to reduce costs and have a happier, healthier and more productive workforce?


Belgravia Health and Care - Crosscare

Crosscare – Corporate Care provides a fully hosted web accessed clinical software system that allows the monitoring of sick leave, patient conditions and subsequent treatment. It has translation facilities, making it multi- lingual and allowing a global wellness program to be maintained irrespective of office location and language required.

Appointment reminders are sent directly to employee’s Outlook accounts, and they can complete questionnaires on-line without even having to visit the clinic. The Corporate Medical Record card, ideal for regular business travellers, also means the workforce can carry their medical details with them on a credit card sized smart card, wherever they are based.

Analysis tools allow the global wellness team to monitor the reasons for sickness, and adapt preventative program accordingly. This is where Crosscare can help to save major corporations significant time and money. By targeting the reasons for sickness, and reacting accordingly, levels of absence can be reduced and employees reassured they are receiving the best possible in-house care, increasing employee retention levels and potentially saving the business millions of dollars on a global level.

Reporting can be done at a local level or at the global level, allowing local teams to react according to their own specific issues, but allowing the global wellness team to centrally monitor the overall workforce around the world. Ensure your employees remain healthy, and in turn ensure your business remains healthy.